Key facts

Launch date

16 February 2024

Dealing day

Every business day

Target benchmark

UK Consumer Prices Index +2%

Comparator benchmark

40% MSCI World Index, 30% Markit iBoxx £ Gilts and 30% Markit iBoxx £ Non-Gilts

Minimum investment class C


Share classes

C Income


C Accumulation



Ongoing charges (includes the annual management charge)


Annual management charge


Fund overview

The fund aims to provide a total return (the combination of capital growth and income) after costs, of inflation (as measured by the UK Consumer Prices Index) plus 2% per annum over the long term (defined as five years).

The fund is classified as ‘cautious’ as it will not invest more than 50% in equities.

Investment approach

The fund will invest in a broad range of assets - between 20-50% of the portfolio will be invested in equities and between 0-60% invested in bonds. Exposure to these assets may be via direct holdings or indirectly through investment in other funds, such as exchange traded funds, closed-ended investment companies and open-ended funds. The fund's typical exposure to emerging markets will be 5% but may be up to 20%.


We believe that the primary role of sustainable investment is to drive positive change and this is best achieved by pushing companies to do more to address the major challenges facing us today.

We aim to manage our clients’ investments in a way that aligns with their values and to do this we consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in our listed equity investment process and go beyond the boundaries of traditional investor engagement to drive change. The FCA has introduced sustainable investment labels to help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal. This product does not have a UK sustainable investment label because it does not have a sustainability goal.

Read our summary of SDR, the investment labels and our overall approach. Fund-level information can be found here.

Who can invest?

The fund is available to all types of investors.

Fund documents

Click download all for all the documents listed in this section. Alternatively, you may download individual documents.

Ready to invest?

We're delighted you've chosen to invest with CCLA. 

Whether you are a new investor to CCLA or topping up an existing account, please ensure that you read the fund’s prospectus and key investor information document (KIID). The KIID can help investors understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of the fund, and compare the fund with other products.

For public sector investors 

If you would like to find out more about the fund, or would like to request an application form, please contact or

For professional investors

Use a platform

For individual investors

The fund will soon be available for investment through independent advisers and investment platforms. We will update our website with details of the platforms on which it is available. If there is a platform or adviser through which you invest already and would like to access the CCLA Better World Cautious Fund, please inform our Client Services team.

For all other investors

If you would like to find out more about the fund, or would like to request an application form, please contact

Looking for other documents? Click here to visit our client documentation page.